Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Apartment Living

So I went and did something kinda grown-up today. I purchased a couch...I know this sounds lame, but it is a decision I have been mulling over for awhile now. Currently I have a hand-me-down couch, more like a large loveseat really, that has served me well this past year in my first apartment, but it was time for an upgrade. 

I spent several afternoons over my spring break checking out furniture stores trying to find something neutral, comfortable, and within my budget. I decided on a couch from a big box store. While it is not my dream couch (i.e the Pottery Barn Basic) I am happy with my purchase. Now if the darn thing would just get here already!

In light of my recent purchase I wanted to share some thing that I love and inspire my apartment decorating decisions. When I get my apartment how I like it (which may or may not ever happen) I will share some pictures!

Apartment Living



  1. what?! you bought a couch?! i'm so jealous!
    i wish i could go furniture shopping with you, i feel like we would have a blast!

  2. i love your blog! :) Would love if you checked out my blog as well

    1. Thank you! I will be sure to check out your blog!

  3. This couch is so cute, and I love the way you want to decorate your living room! You should totally do it, way to fun! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire
