Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bright Future

I came across this fabulous lamp shade at Target the other day and I knew I just had to have it. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lamp that it could go on nor did I have the cash to spend on a lamp. I decided to buy the shade anyways and rummage through the garage for a lamp.

I found this not-so-glamorous old brass floor lamp in the garage. The shade didn't look quite as fabulous against the outdated brass.

 I was a little disappointed but I set off to Pinterest for some DIY inspiration. Luckily, I found several pins about how to paint brass. The tutorials I came across didn't look too difficult so I decided to give it a go!

I went to the hardware store and picked up the only two things I needed which were a can of "clean metal primer" and a can of "vanilla" spray paint.

With the assistance of my daddy, I lightly sanded the brass so the primer would have a better hold. 

Next, I wiped down the lamp and covered the cord and plastic pieces with painters tape to keep them clean from stray spray.

Once the lamp was prepped my daddy showed me how to properly apply spray paint. (Who knew I had been doing it wrong all my life?!) I coated the lamp with one coat of "clean metal primer" and waited about an hour before I applied my color.

After allowing the primer to dry I applied the "vanilla" color to the lamp. I allowed the paint to dry about 4-5 hours before attempting to move the lamp.

I am very pleased with the results! What do you think?

In other news, I am almost all packed an counting down the hours until move in day! I cannot wait to see how all my crafts come together in my new room!

The Charleston Belle

Living in Lilly

The move is officially three days away!!! I can hardly believe how fast this summer has flown by. Today I celebrated by making Lilly inspired coaster. They were so easy to make and very inexpensive. 

I got my inspiration for this craft from Pinterest, where else?!

All you need for this simple craft is tiles, mod podge, a paint brush, scissors, and a Lilly Pulitzer Agenda. 

Step one: Trace your tiles on the paper of your choice and cut out each square.

Step two: paint a layer of Mod Podge on each tile and place a paper square on top. Wait for the initial Mod Podge layer to dry then add a coat on top of the paper.

Step three: Allow the Mod Podge to dry for 10-15 minutes then apply another coat. Repeat this step until you have 4-5 layers of Mod Podge. 

Here is the finished product!

Now I just need a fun cocktail to place on top!

 The Charleston Belle